East 40th Street Green Stormwater Infrastructure Paving
Construction / Asphalt Paving
This project was located in Tacoma on East 40th Street from East McKinley Avenue to Portland Avenue East and included the removal and replacement of existing asphalt pavement, concrete and landscaping areas. The roadway was replaced with Porous Asphalt and Asphalt Treated Permeable Base to allow stormwater to infiltrate the new roadway. This helps to reduce stormwater flow and filters pollution from the water before it reenters the storm system. Porous hot-mix asphalt is becoming more common for use on projects in Western Washington. Paving with this environmentally sound asphalt product will help to ensure a long-lasting road with minimal maintenance.
- This project received the Pacific Northwest Clean Water Associations “2018 Innovative Stormwater Project Award”
- Washington Asphalt Pavement Association’s “2019 Special Innovative Pavement for Western WA”.
- It also received the Greenroads Silver Certification and is the highest scoring Greenroads project to date. The press release from Greenroads is included below.
https://www.greenroads.org/files/12192.pdf - This article from Asphalt Pro provides additional information on the Greenroad’s project: